As the Member of Parliament for Cynon Valley I have a duty to represent all my constituents.
I am committed to:
Engaging with and involving constituents in my work
Empowering & enabling constituents to identify, act upon and resolve issues
Providing mechanisms through which this can be achieved e.g. utilise parliamentary processes
Bridging any gap between Parliament and the constituency
Making parliamentary work responsive to the needs of constituents and forging stronger links between parliament and community
To assist in achieving these commitments I have facilitated the establishment of three advisory groups:
Post-Covid Economy (Cynon Valley Community Vision)
Devolution and Constitutional reform
Welfare reform
These groups will provide a platform and vehicle through which local constituents and agencies can come together to work collaboratively to assist me in identifying priorities for action and agree possible solutions. Through my office, my team and I will support and facilitate the groups and enable them to draw on expertise and information from any sources they identify.
For further information, or if you would like to get involved, email my team using the buttons below.